Grandpa is 101 days away from turning 101! The countdown is on! So, Brenda and I sent him a huge box of gifts....101 to open. The theme is "101 ways to live to be 101". Each gift is wrapped and contains a card with the message. These include "Always Count Your Blessings" with a giant calculator, "Greet Each Day With A Smile", with a huge smiley face, "Strive For Financial Security" with candy money, "Never Pass Up An Opportunity To Go Fishing" with gummy worms ...and 96 more!! The newspaper is planning to do a feature on it. Grandpa is amazing! He is sharp as a tack and has been in great health. He lives in an assisted living facility but strives to be as independent as possible. He keeps current on events and fills us in on these during our Sunday calls. If we can all be so lucky!

Here's to living a good, long, healthy and happy life!
Musically, Cary