Our beloved Gizmo, is happy and joyous all year round but he still gets caught up in the excitement of Christmas. He was thrilled to see the Christmas tree go up Thanksgiving weekend, and more thrilled when we hung up his stocking. He spends hours laying under his stocking and staring at it...or sitting by us on the couch and gazing over at his stocking and wimpering. He also liked to lay near the gifts under the tree, looking but never disturbing them. Amazing that he can remember these things from a year ago!
Brenda and I shop for Christmas gifts year round, so our Christmas shopping was basically completed months ago. We only had a few things left to get. Those were for (you guessed it!) our dog and cat. Yes, we are among the pet owners out there who shop for their animals. So, we braved the Christmas crowds and horrific traffic to travel to two stores to find just the right gifts for our Gizmo and Ollie.
As I gave Gizmo his Christmas bath last night, Brenda stuffed the stockings and added his gift to those under the tree. Finally, THE night had arrived! As Brenda and I exchanged our gifts to one another, Gizmo got to open his gift. He carefully tore off the paper to reveal a giant teddy bear. The teddy bear was larger than he and wow, did he love it! That bear was drug from one end of the house to the other, shook, growled at, cuddled with and eventually slept with!
Gizmo also got to explore the contents of the stocking and choose one gift for the night. He chose a rawhide treat. The other toy and treats will stay in the stocking for to choose over the course of the next few nights.
So, that has been Christmas at the Nobles! Now, we are off to celebrate the rest of the holiday with family.
Merry Christmas to you all! Cary and Brenda
Poem on a dog's Christmas by Shel Silverstein
Tonight's my first night as a watchdog,
And here it is Christmas Eve.
The children are sleepin' all cozy upstairs,
While I'm guardin' the stockin's and tree.
What's THAT now . . . footsteps on the rooftop?
Could it be a c*t or a mouse?
Who's THIS down the chimney?
A thief with a beard - And a big sack for robbin' the house?
I'm barkin'. . . I'm growlin' . . . I'm bitin' his butt.
He howls and jumps back in his sleigh.
I scared his strange horses, they leap in the air.
I've frightened the whole bunch away.
Now the house is all peaceful and quiet again,
The stockin's are safe as can be.
Won't the kiddies be glad when they wake up tomorrow . . .
And see how I've guarded the tree.
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